HYDROUSA is a Horizon2020 Innovation Action project funded by the European Union, focusing on a decentralised and circular management of non-conventional water resources. The project aims to revolutionize the water supply chain in Mediterranean regions by demonstrating innovative solutions for water/wastewater management in order to close the water loops and boost the agricultural and energy profile of these areas. HYDROUSA project addresses several issues raised by the EU Green Deal.

Satistica designs, installs and commissions the Industrial Monitoring and Control Systems For Hydrousa demo sites in Lesvos, Mykonos and Tinos Islands in Greece.
Bespoke and customised AI and Digitalisation solutions for Water and Wastewater Management as well as Precision Agriculture for water scarce regions on Europe:

Project Partners

 LIFE CircforBio logo

LIFE CircforBio

A circular economy system for multi-source biomass conversion to added value products.

The overall aim of the CIRCforBIO project proposal is to achieve high GHG emission savings from the substitution of fossil fuels with advanced biofuels as well as to promote the realization of the circular economy concept for biomass. This will be achieved through (i) the implementation and demonstration of an innovative biorefinery concept for the production of bioethanol, used oil (raw material for biodiesel) and other bioproducts from biomass produced from household, catering (restaurants, cafeterias and bakeries) and industrial food waste and from agricultural residues and (ii) the creation of an interactive platform for facilitating the realisation of the circular economy concept for 2nd generation biomass in Greece.
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LIFE Ref. No: LIFE18 CCM/GR/001180.
Area of implementation: Attiki (Greece), Veneto (Italy), Denham (UK).
Duration: 43 months.

Project Partners:


Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models wrapped around physical systems for Zero-unexpeted-Breakdowns and increased operating life of Factories (Z-BRE4K)

H2020-FOF-768869 funding: IA-Innovation action
Date: Date: 01/11/2017
status: status: Commenced
Duration (months): Duration (months): 48
Newly built machines start their service life cycle with standard and well specified performance signatures.

 zfactor logo

Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories. H2020-FOF-723906 funding: IA-Innovation action
Date: 01/11/2016
status: Commenced
Duration (months): 42

In this project event-based adaptive control and optimisation solution to minimise defect in the discrete automated manufacturing process. The machines and the robots will adapt to the variations in material, customer requirements and overall environmental conditions with the purpose to reduce production defect to a minimum and eventually to zero. Partners: Greece (CERTH and Atlantis Engineering), Cyprus (CETRI), UK (Brunel University and Microsemi), Switzerland (EPEL), Italy (Holonix, Interseals, Confindustria, and SIR), Spain (Datapixel), and Portugal (Inova, and Durit Metal Duro).

 iQonic logo


Innovative strategies, sensing and process Chains for increased Quality, re-configurability, and recyclability of Manufacturing Optolectronics.

H2020-NMBP-FoF: 82067
Date: 01/10/2018
status: KO

Advances in optoelectronics technologies is causing a revolution in consumer electronic goods, solar energy, communications, LED, industrial laser, and other fields.
At present, the optoelectrical manufacturing is facing significant challenges in dealing with the evolution of the equipment, instrumentation and manufacturing processes they support. The industry is striving for higher customisation and individualisation, implying that systems configurations need to change more frequently and dynamically. IQONIC will offer a scalable zero defect manufacturing platform covering the overall process chain of optoelectrical parts.
IQONIC covers the design of new optoelectrical components and their optimised process chain, their assembly process, as well as their disassembly and reintroduction into the value chain. IQONIC will therefore comprise new hardware and software components interfaced with the current facilities through internet of things and datamanagement platforms, while being orchestrated through eight (8) scalable strategies at component, work-station and shopfloor level. The IQONIC technologies will be demonstrated in 4 demo sites covering a wide range of products and processes. The impact of IQONIC to the European optoelectronics manufacturing industry, but also the society itself, can be summarised in the following (with a horizon of 4 years after project ends):

  1. increase of the in-service efficiency by 22%.
  2. increased flexibility with 16% faster reconfiguration times.
  3. 10% reduction in production costs through recycled components and materials.
  4. improved designs for assembly and disassembly.
  5. about 400 new jobs created.
  6. over 39 MEUR ROI for the consortium.
To do that we have brought together a total of seventeen (17) EU-based partners, representing both industry and academia, having ample experience in cutting-edge technologies and active presence in the EU photonics and manufacturing.